Kubernetes, up and running
industrialize data pipelines
Duration (fully-guided training)
Flipped-classroom training duration:
of videos and
of interactive workshop.
About the Course
Many applications require customized environments to run well. This used to be hard, with developers ignoring the operational settings. That issue is solved with Docker though, one of the most groundbreaking technologies of last decade. But getting all these Docker containers up and running, scaling on demand, assigning the right permissions, ... that tends to be challenging still.
Kubernetes is one way, arguably the most popular way, of keeping containerized applications afloat. How to use Kubernetes and deploy your applications as efficient as possible? Join us in this workshop, and find out.
This workshop is split in two parts: in the first, we go over the basics and answer the following questions:
1. Why would you use Kubernetes?
2. What is Kubernetes?
- naming conventions
- pros & cons
- architecture
3. What basic objects do I interact with?
- pods
- replicasets
- deployments
- configurations
4. How are services discovered?
5. What storage mechanisms are there?
- persistent volumes
- persistent volume claims
- storage classes
6. Advanced topics
- stateful sets
- init containers
- daemon sets
- rbac
- jobs and cronjobs
- pod disruption budgets
- horizontal pod autoscaler
7. How do I secure Kubernetes workloads?
The second training (optional) goes into even more advanced topics:
1. Accessing external databases
2. Extending kubernetes with operators
3. Kustomize
4. Helm
5. Using AKS
The first workshop (8h) suffices to get a good grasp of Kubernetes, and understand how one should manage it. The second (also 8h) is optional and geared more to advanced teams.
We do not currently offer these workshops in a flipped classroom format (no videos to be watched upfront).